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About Cantor Sarah

Cantor and Tea Connoisseur

Cantor Sarah earned her B.A. in Religious Studies from VCU, and was ordained as a Cantor in January 2018 by the ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal Cantorial Program. Her studies included courses in both Middle Eastern and Western Jewish music, Jewish musical history and traditions, the collected body of Jewish liturgy, learning to chant and interpret Jewish sacred texts, and many other subjects.

Sarah is the Cantor at Congregation Beth Ahabah in Richmond, VA, where she leads the congregation in singing during services, chants from sacred scriptures and interprets them, works with the adult and youth choirs, and enjoys teaching people of all ages. She is also the B'nei Mitzvah Coordinator at Beth Ahabah, supervising tutors, working with  students and their families to plan meaningful and fun milestones.

Cantor Sarah has enjoyed speaking about Jewish music and culture in her local community, including as guest lecturer for the VCU courses Music & Religion and Western Religions: Women and Society, as keynote speaker for Jewish American Heritage month at Defense Supply Center Richmond, a speaker for the Jewish Women's Club of Richmond on global Jewish music, and as a guest speaker at Collegiate School assemblies on religion and the arts.

Among her many hobbies and interests, Cantor Sarah has an abiding passion for sharks and marine biology, and drinking tea.

Performing at Beyond Barbie 2014, Richmond VA

Photo Credit: Kim Brundage Photography 2014

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